Breathing Techniques

Poor breathing habits may develop for a variety of causes but stress appears to be one of the key triggers.

Unlike many body functions that are affected by stress, and somewhat out of our control, breathing can be regulated and significantly influenced by the use of
special breathing exercises. The conscious regulation of the breathing cycle is one
of the most powerful, safe and drug-free ways of managing many aspects of a
run-away stress response.

By training our brain to regulate the way we breathe we can over-ride the involuntary mechanisms that often dominate when we are in a state of stress. This so-called ‘sympathetic dominance’ tends to drive the more physical aspects of a stressed state of mind often altering our circulation by raising the heart rate and blood pressure as well as disrupting many other body systems such as our digestion. Its not uncommon to experience unusual levels of muscular pain and fatigue as a result of this disrupted state of being. The end result is an overall feeling of ill health commonly accompanied by an exacerbation of other underlying problems such as irritable bowel, irritability
and sleep disturbance.

Learning how to tame your breathing is a key technique I use to help you regain
control over body and life.

By training the breath you will successfully boost the activity in a branch of the nervous system known as the parasympathetic system and quickly effect a reversal of the unwanted ‘sympathetic dominance’ with all its inherent unpleasant bodily reactions.

Think of it in this way; when you are shocked by something you tend to take a deep in-breath. This activates the sympathetic ‘get ready’ part of the nervous system so you are prepared to deal with the incoming stressor. Now think what happens when you get news that relieves or reassures us, you take a big sigh on the out breath. This activates the parasympathetic nervous system and pushes our body into a relaxed, ‘at ease’ or ’stand down’ state of being.

So, you already have these in built stress-breath reactions all I have to do is to train you how and when to recruit them.

I use a range of breathing techniques and exercises to affect your nervous system and as a result positively influence your heart rate, blood pressure, circulation, digestion and sleep cycle.

With practice most people can train their breath and make real headway in regaining a true state of balanced wellbeing.

The 10 Key effects of breathing exercises

  • Rebalances the nervous system
  • Promotes parasympathetic tone
  • Reverses the effects of sympathetic dominance
  • Stimulates positivity putting you back in control again
  • Calms the heart rate
  • Regulates blood and lymphatic circulation
  • Eases stress related digestive upsets
  • Encourages a healthy sleep pattern
  • Clears the mind of stress-clutter
  • Lowers blood pressure
Maria Webb

Maria Webb

BSc (Hons) - Psychology

BA - Counselling

Diploma in Clinical and Pastoral Counselling

Diploma in Stress Management

Accredited Member of National Council of Integrative Psychotherapists

Member of the British Psychological Society (GMBPsS)

Fellow of Accredited Counsellors, Coaches, Psychotherapists and Hypnotherapists

I started practising Stress Management within the clinic in 1990. Whilst still working in the sphere of stress management, I sought a deeper understanding of the psychological process in relation to mental health.

This led me to undertake my degree in Psychology followed by my second degree in Counselling. The additional education and more specialist training in various schools of psychology allowed me to expand the repertoire of therapeutic techniques and now practice Counselling and Psychotherapy for a wide range of emotional, psychological and relationship issues.